5th Year Anniversary "Memory Lane" Issue 10th Issue | Page 155

What inspired you to launch May Lindstrom Skin ?
My journey into skincare began as a small girl . Growing up , I would spend full days mashing wild plants into a pulp and covering myself , and everyone who would humor me in “ potions ” made from these vibrant green liquids and the clays I would dig from the iron rich soil in my yard . This line was born out of a desire to create blissful bookends in my day , a time-out morning and night that was just for me . Having formulated for years out of necessity ( I am blessed with highly sensitive and chemically reactive skin ), I yearned to create something that was simply luxurious and lovely .
Describe the Honey Mud treat in the line and what makes it special ?
The Honey Mud is our gentle daily cleanser , that does double duty as a nourishing treatment masque . This silky formula removes traces of the day without stripping the skin or causing irritation . It is true skin food , and the active enzymes and healing powers of raw honey make this the perfect treat for acne , sensitive and mature complexions .