An Assemblage of Luxury 15th Edition | Page 111

You grew up in Sumatra but studied in Europe then moved to the US . Tell us about your journey , how you found yourself across continents , and at what age / life stage did you make those transitions ?
In summary , I was born in Sumatra ( with a brief stint in Jakarta ), educated in Switzerland and the US and have made Switzerland , France and The US home in the span of four decades starting at a very young age . I went to school both in Switzerland and the My parents believed it would provide me with a better future and they were not wrong . My parents are ethnic Chinese Indonesian ( I believe they are qualified as Peranakan ), but later I learned from a DNA test that by DNA , I am Chinese , Vietnamese , Thai , Pacific Islander , Hawaiian , Kazakhs with a dash of French . I consider myself a mutt or an island chopped salad ! While I have lived on three different continents and spent most of my life in the Western hemisphere , I am and will always be an island boy ! My formal education and major was in Hospitality Management and later my graduate studies were in fashion under the tutelage of Gladys Perint Palmer , the noted British fashion illustrator . I never really studied interior design formally , it landed on my lap via being a florist after I became fed up with corporate America life . I ’ ve traveled extensively all my life . I lost count , but I am confident the number or countries I ’ ve traveled to is in the 80-90s range . The US provided me with an amazing opportunity in my professional life as well as my love life . I fell in love with my partner and we have been together for almost 30 years . However , I am pleased to share that we are considering to have a part time home in Bali ! Bali is one of our favorite spots on earth and hopefully it will be home soon . After close to sixty trips to Bali , I think it qualifies as our home , already !
