An Assemblage of Luxury 15th Edition | Page 130


Swiss chalet ty products , and , and the the master master suite spans across six suite even has its own Jacuzzi Ja-

. The six floors floors and and includes five double cuzzi . living The living and dining and dining areas are five suites double , each suites with , floor-to-ceil- each areas open are open plan plan to keep to keep the whole

with ing windows floor-to-ceiling , remote win- control the whole family family together together and the

dows curtains , remote , and audio control , ensuite cur- and the glassed-roof living living room is tains bathrooms , and audio including , ensuite a full

room perfect is for for stargazing stargaz- and bathrooms range of ESPA including beauty a

ing and enjoying the the incredible incredi- views

full range of ESPA beau- ble views of the Matterhorn .