An Assemblage of Luxury 15th Edition | Page 62

George Washington was one of a triptych I made back in 2014 , the other two works are Lincoln and Franklin . I made these works as an appreciation of my new homeland ’ s founding fathers and Lincoln . Their portraits on the bill represents a symbol of prosperity and wellbeing , honoring them as creators of a new way of government that lifted people up and guaranteed their freedoms .

Torres taps into collective memory with playful themes and ironic juxtap portraits of ordinary people , cultural , military to a diverse sampling of sym structed employing a complex unique multi-layer painting technique , bro and family , Torres plants an idea for each new work and harvests it at com native Cuba . To record this ritual , each painting is begun and finished on

George Washington was one of a triptych I made back in 2014 , the other two works are Lincoln and Franklin . I made these works as an appreciation of my new homeland ’ s founding fathers and Lincoln . Their portraits on the bill represents a symbol of prosperity and wellbeing , honoring them as creators of a new way of government that lifted people up and guaranteed their freedoms .

~ Alexi Torres

Alexi Torres was born in 1976 in has had numerous solo and gro major private and public collect Will Smith , Los Angeles , CA ; De