The Contour of Luxury Spring/Summer 2018 | Page 26
Rozaliya the path that has led you to creating the
extraordinary jewelry company, Rozaliya Jewelry, is quite
an interesting one. Rozaliya Jewelry is uniquely crafted
pieces of art that are not solely visually striking, but are also
spiritually themed. Pre your spiritual life journey and the
conception of your jewelry company, your life was moving
in a far different cycle. For 13 years you lead a successful
modeling agency and you were famously known in the
fashion world in your country as not just a name, but more
so as a powerhouse institution. While making laudable
news on the triumphant pathway in the fashion world, you
also had an inner yearning for change.
You lived in Germany at one point in your life, where you
had a really amazing life. Your life was one of fashion, and
the elite aristocratic material world “dream life,” quipped
with all of the extras. However, although you had everything
one might want in the material world, it did not offer what
you were fundamentally seeking in your life. To come was
an invitation to travel to the magical island of Bali that would
be the unknowing master for bringing about the change
that you sought. Through this interview, I am delighted to
share parts of your life story, and an explanation of your
jewelry line, as both share certain enlightenment.
~Alexis Day
Alexis Rozaliya
Q & A
While living in Germany, you were invited by friends to take
a trip and travel to Bali. You were informed that that trip
would be a different kind of experience. You will engage
in a course of martial arts and self-defense under a famous
Balinese. You were also told that you would not be on
vacation, but rather you were traveling there to find a new
truth in life, and to experience the power of spiritual energy.
That is what lured you to accept the invitation. Little did you
know that that trip would be the beginning of the change
that you were truly seeking and it would shift the course of
your life forever. Tell us in what ways did that initial visit to
Bali have a positive impact on you.
I don’t believe in positive and negative all is on our path
to have colorfull and special journey. I loved my busy life
before I lived in Bali, I just didn’t understand what I was
missing... I wanted to search for something better, a peace
of mind and better state of being. Bali transformed me and
showed me the way of finding happiness by just being &
having the openness to decide to be ok even when things
don’t happen the way you want. I found in this place who
I really am actually and the mission of my appearance in
this life...