The Contour of Luxury™ Winter 2022 Publisher's Haute Holiday Gift Ideas | Page 175
According to the founding chef of Sublimotion , Paco Roncero , “ A completely renovated enu adapts to formats as innovative as new ‘ kaleido-plate ’, a unique support ted to enjoy the beauty of a gastronomic composition from the first to the last oonful , something nonexistent to date that — I am convinced — will continue creating a trend .”
A totally Spanish product like Sublimotion , a great exponent of gastroory culture and avant-garde at an ternational level , continues to ance to create unique immersive periences where the diner can peek at the entertainment of a future that is already now .
Another advancement is the opportunity that the client will have to eat in the metaverse . Being able to enjoy real haute cuisine within a virtual universe is something that the Sublimotion technical and creative team has been working on for more than 6 years , and is already one of the keys to the success of this innovative show .