6 . It isn ’ t uncommon to hear of mothers wanting to have a “ Mommy
Makeover ”, however , reports have shown that more fathers are now requesting “ Daddy Do-Over ” plastic surgery . Are there procedures that “ fathers ” may more commonly request consultation for ?
Yes . I commonly use the term daddy-do-over and we actually have a trademark listed in the United States Patton office for it . Part of the daddy-do-over consists of a TorsoTuck , which is to remove all of the fat from the lower belly and the extra skin , and then we move those cells for structure and volume into the upper body . Fathers also request to have the neck improved with either liposuction or with injectables , such as Kybella or with a laser or a radio frequency , which can tighten up the neck without doing major surgery . Another thing that is commonly requested is to improve their eyes by trimming off some of the excess skin that is causing them to look older than they feel .
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